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Young Life Oxford

June 24, 2016

Here at GreenServ, we are firm believers in giving back to our community. This notion of giving back is rooted in our core values and each month, we are going to do a spotlight on one of the great organizations that our team supports.

One of these organizations is Young Life Oxford. We love this organization, because like us, they are Crazy About Kids and they develop Young Life Leaders, teaching through faith.

Since the early 2000s, Young Life has been ministering in the Oxford area. Both area high schools, Oxford and Lafayette, have their own Young Life Club and WyldLife exists for 6th-8th graders in the Oxford School District. This region also supports Young Life College Ole Miss.

For more information on Young Life Oxford, please visit their website. You can also make a donation directly to their cause, here. Tell them GreenServ sent you!

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